Girl writing

Creative Writing, MFA

位于东海岸最具活力的文学和创意社区之一, 十大网络彩票平台大全的创意写作硕士课程致力于教师指导, immersive experiential learning, as well as the rigor of craft.

Program Overview

十大网络彩票平台大全的艺术硕士课程允许学生通过与获奖学生一对一的学习来磨练自己的技能, 国际知名的教师在一个项目中提供个性化的指导,同时认识到创造性写作在传统学院之外的作用. 

学生可以把他们的课程重点放在小说、非小说、诗歌和青少年小说上 & nonfiction, literary genre writing (fantasy and sci-fi, mystery, etc.), or travel/food writing. 

The MFA at HFU respects the value of our students' time, 以及创意写作领域对专业化的日益增长的需求. Built into our flexible, 两年制课程为学生提供了将作品交给出版商的机会, agents, and well-known literary figures. 我们的重点是跨学科的实践支持学生的写作,同时通过写作相关的经验,如指导独立研究提供专业化的机会, internships, editorial practice, community engagement, work on social justice initiatives, teaching opportunities, and more. 

HFU的MFA是一个多元化和包容性的社区,为学生提供独特的机会,在费城丰富的艺术景观的背景下提高他们的手艺, which allows students to build relationships with students, faculty, 以及社区成员,这些人将为他们在写作方面的漫长而充实的生活做好准备. 



You Will Learn

  • 在你的日常生活中创造一个可持续的写作实践,鼓励自律, creativity, and growth.
  • 通过加深对工艺的理解来与观众建立联系, genre conventions, and intention, 以及通过实验挑战自己和听众的方法. 
  • 有目的地修改,这样你的工作可能会以与你预期目标一致的方式发展. 
  • To engage with the professional elements of the writing life, prepare for publishing opportunities, and create these opportunities. 


Program Information

Degree Awarded
  • Master of Fine Arts
Program Location
  • Blended

Request Information

Unique Courses of Study

学生可以把他们的课程重点放在小说、非小说、诗歌和青少年小说上 & nonfiction, literary genre writing (fantasy and sci-fi, mystery, etc.), graphic novels, or travel/food writing. 

Admission Requirements


Application requirements include:

  • 一份个人陈述,说明申请人想要获得硕士学位的愿望, artistic vision, personal history of writing, potential contribution to the program, and readiness to meet the requirements of the program.
  • 一份由申请人主要文体的原创作品组成的写作样本(10-15页). of poetry, 20-30 pgs. of prose).
  • 申请人以前就读的所有高等教育机构的正式成绩单.

Focus on Professionalization

强调跨学科的实践支持学生的写作,同时通过写作相关的经验,如文学指导独立研究提供专业化的机会, internships, editorial practice, community engagement, work on social justice initiatives, teaching opportunities, etc. 

Residencies in Philadelphia

The MFA at HFU is located on the main campus of Holy Family University, which is just a short ride by train or car from center city Philadelphia. 我们的地理位置为学生提供了沉浸在城市生活中的机会, 同时也利用一个独立的校园来花时间在他们的学习上. 这种城市和郊区的平衡让各种学生在我们的居住环境中茁壮成长,他们参加研讨会, lectures, genre-specific workshops, and readings to foster their growth as emerging writers. 我们的实习是社会活动,旨在帮助参与者与教师和同学建立持久的关系,形成他们未来几年写作生活的基础.

Careers in Writing

MFA graduates become accomplished authors, poets, novelists, screenwriters, 还有剧作家,他们的作品来自受人尊敬的出版商,在全国知名期刊上发表过个人作品. However, 许多雇主都重视MFA培养的沟通技巧和创造力, 有了创意写作的最终学位,你就为各种各样的职业做好了准备. 

一些不同的领域看到创意写作的MFA作为一个独特的或有趣的资格, if not a requirement, include education, publishing, marketing/PR, journalism, advertising, television and radio, law firms, not-for-profits, and communications consulting.

In fact, the U.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)预计,到2026年,写作硕士职业将会增长, including an 8% increase for writers and authors, a 9% increase for public relations specialists, and an 11% increase for technical writers (“2018-19 MFA”).  

Program Outcomes for the Graduate Program in Creative Writing

该计划的总体目标是培养学生在创意写作的不同领域发表和工作. To this end, 美术创意写作硕士课程的毕业生将展示与以下课程目标一致的技能和知识:

  • 找出可借鉴的、多样的范例文本,从中汲取灵感
  • 通过参与相关作品展示工艺和文学分析的知识, critical thinking, reading, and writing
  • 为专业化、研究和社区参与创造机会 
  • Improve one’s ability to write, edit, and revise writing
  • Generate a substantial body of written work
  • Produce a creative thesis in a primary genre of study
Keith Kopka headshot


Keith Kopka, PhD 
Associate Professor, MFA Director | School of Arts and Sciences

Questions? Contact the Graduate and Adult Admissions Office

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